TSP Mentors
Stephanie Portales
Senior TSP Non-Traditional Mentor, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: sportales-sw@tamu.edu
Humza Ahmed
Senior TSP Mentor, College of Arts and Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: humza.ahmed25-sw@tamu.edu
Sarah Johnson
Senior TSP Mentor, College of Arts and Sciences - English
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: sarah.johnson-sw@tamu.edu
Elise Collins
Senior TSP Mentor, College of Arts and Sciences - Mathematics
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: ecollins24-sw@tamu.edu
Emily Frierson
Senior TSP Mentor, College of Arts and Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: emilyfrierson-sw@tamu.edu
Hannah Barber
Senior TSP Mentor, College of Arts and Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Contact: barberh-sw@tamu.edu
Kolten Lentz
TSP Mentor, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Isabella Ochoa
TSP Mentor, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Julian Garza
TSP Mentor, College of Arts and Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Raeesah Garza
TSP Mentor, College of Arts and Sciences
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404
Sandra Ramos
TSP Mentor, School of Education & Human Development
Office: Hotard Hall, 2nd FloorPhone: 979-458-6404